Tag Archives: #Aside

The Next To-Do Addition…

I’ve been giving a lot of thought about what to add next to my To-Do list.  Its currently only got the 1 item on it: Work.  It tells me to go to work and that’s all. True, I was going to go to work anyways.  So perhaps it is best if I add something else that’s both basic and easy to fit into what I am currently doing.  Something important and that I can improve.  Ah yes.  I need to sleep.

Re: Tracking Food

When thinking about tracking Fitness and workouts, I think it makes sense to track to Food I eat also.  I can tell you I don’t eat enough, and likely don’t eat well enough.  Truthfully, I’m not really sure, so for the next coming week, I will keep an eye out on what I eat.  That’s food for thought.